Tuesday, November 23, 2010

I Miss You Dad :(

Oh where to start, it has been one week today and I don't think the reality that I won't see you anymore has set in. Does it ever set in? It has been 3 1/2 years since Mom has been gone and some days I still reach for the phone to share something when it hits me all over again.

I feel like a professional at dealing with grief if there is such thing. I think what i want to share most with everyone is from my perspective what one is looking for when they lose someone close to them. We all tend to feel awkward and wonder what should I say, I hope they are okay, I hope I don't sound 'dumb'. Here are words/actions I know always help me:

- I am here for you if you need me (but MEAN it!)
- I don't know exactly what to say but...........you know I am here
- If you don't the person who passed well then don't claim to - just let the grieving person know you are thinking of them at this time
- Saying Sorry is really OKAY cause you are
- Respect a person's space if they don't seem 'huggy' or 'touchy' when approached, everyone is different
- If you really do feel awkward and are not comfortable with words then drop a card - this is a nice way to reach out
- If you are dealing with Children who have lost someone close don't take anything personal to their reaction, they grieve differently and very individually - give them space

Those are just some of the tips I have from personal experience on losing loved ones as in 6 short years I have lost an Ex-Husband (who was my best friend) My Mother, My 2nd Husband and now my Father. That was hard to type to be honest but the reality of it is there, I have lost them and I must move on yet be able to grieve when I need to.

I know through all of this I have had wonderful family and friends to support me and I couldn't be luckier!! :) You all know who you are<3

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Break Time is Over! :)

Whoa, after over 3 months of writing it is time to end the break and move forward. Over the past 3 months I have attended a few workshops, participated in a channeling that was forever changing and hosted a fabulous Peel Opti-Mom Girls night out for Peel. As this is all going on of course there is 'real life' and work to attend to.

I am currently in the Trade Show business and WAMOOO we had the busiest season we have had in 4 years. I worked long hard hours including evenings and weekends as well as still being Mom of course too. What does this tell me though? It tells me things are looking up out there in the world, maybe the recession is over??

It took until maybe the last week for this to hit me!! Instead of complaining and whining about long hours, being underpaid, no recognition why not look at the positive!! This is a good time for CHANGE, a time to move ahead, forge forward, reach those goals and aspirations. Girl it is time to MOVE!!

So with this said, my writing is short and sweet and I will be back with my progression as I move forward with my Goals and Aspirations!!

There is no time like the present for me and I am soooo looking forward to it and all the Challenges and Changes it is about to bring.

Bye for now:)
Sandra Staying Sane!